F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


flamboyant (adj): 1-very confident in behaviour, and liking to be noticed by other people, for example because of the way you dress, talk, etc.:
E.g.: a flamboyant gesture
E.g.: The writer’s flamboyant lifestyle was well known.

flamboyant (adj) (CLOTHES, ETC.)-brightly coloured and easily noticed:
E.g.: His clothes were rather flamboyant for such a serious occasion.

flamboyance (noun) /flæmˈbɔɪ.əns/
E.g.: Her flamboyance annoys some people but delights others.

transgender (adj)=trans: 1- used to describe someone who feels that they are not the same gender (=sex) as the physical body they were born with, or who does not fit easily into being either male or female
E.g.: A transgender woman/man
E.g.: Society has become more understanding of people who are transgender.