F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


escalator (n): 1-a set of stairs moved up or down by electric power on which people can stand and be taken from one level of a building to another, especially in shops, railway stations, and airports:
E.g.: I’ll meet you by the  escalator on the second floor.
E.g.: Sorry but the escalator is out of use; you’ll have to take the stairs.

pram (n): 1-a vehicle for moving a baby around that consists of a small bed supported by a frame on four wheels:
E.g.: I saw her pushing a pram down the street.
E.g.: I cannot take this pram up the escalator, so I hope there is a lift I can use.

above/below average
E.g.: Einstein was above average scientist
E.g.: He is a below average student, he often got F mark.

crop (n): 1-(the total amount collected of) a plant such as a grain, fruit, or vegetable grown in large amounts:
E.g.: The main crops grown for export are coffee and rice.

failure (n): 1- the fact of someone or something not succeeding:
E.g.: The meeting was a complete/total failure.
E.g.: I’m a bit of a failure at making (= I cannot make) cakes.

attempt (v): 1-to try to do something, especially something difficult:
E.g.: He attempted to escape through a window.
E.g.: He attempted a joke, but no one laughed.

attempt (n): 1- the act of trying to do something, especially something difficult:
E.g.: This is my second attempt at the exam.
E.g.: None of our attempts at contacting Dr James was successful.

