F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


The physiotherapists warned that the rise of Internet shopping means older people are not getting a “shopping workout”. Research shows that getting stronger makes people healthier, so it is important that people focus on their strength as they age. Older people can also do gardening, vacuuming and standing up regularly. A physiotherapist said: “We must move past the idea that becoming weaker and frailer is inevitable (in – ev – it – tuh – bull )  as we get older.”


research (n): 1-a detailed study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach a (new) understanding:
E.g.: scientific/medical research
E.g.: a research student/assistant/laboratory
E.g.: They are carrying out/conducting/doing some fascinating research into/on the language of dolphins.

strength (n): 1- the ability to do things that need a lot of physical or mental effort:
E.g.: She had the strength and stamina to take the lead and win the gold medal.
E.g.: Admitting you’ve made a mistake is a sign of strength, not weakness.

stamina (n): 1-the physical and/or mental strength to do something that might be difficult and will take a long time:
E.g.: The triathlon is a great test of stamina.

vacuuming (v): 1-to use a vacuum cleaner to collect dust, dirt, etc.:
E.g.: Vacuum (up) the cake crumbs, would you?

frail (adj): 1- weak or unhealthy, or easily damaged, broken, or harmed:
E.g.: a frail old lady
E.g.: I last saw him just last week and thought how old and frail he looked.
E.g.: the country’s frail economy
frail, frailer, frailest

healthy healthier healthiest

strong stronger strongest

N:do you do any exercise in order to increase your strength