F2F Class Notes (Nemo)


but it’s not because of we saw all the animals because at that time I told my daughter how poor the animals are.  That’s not right, to catch them in a big cage,  My daughter could see that the bears were too slim and penguins too dirty.  We refused all the animals’ performance, because I think that’s not humane. When I told that to my daughter  and  she understood, I’m so happy to see that. I think that going to the zoo was a meaningful experience.


gorilla (n): 1-大猩猩

humane (adj): 1-showing kindness, care, and sympathy towards others, especially those who are suffering:
E.g.: The humane way of dealing with a suffering animal (= the way that causes the least pain) is to kill it quickly.

enthusiasm (n): 1-a feeling of energetic interest in a particular subject or activity and an eagerness to be involved in it:
E.g.: One of the good things about teaching young children is their enthusiasm.
E.g.: After the accident he lost his enthusiasm for the sport.

half-hearted (adj): 1-showing no enthusiasm or interest:
E.g.: He made a half-hearted attempt to clear up the rubbish.

eager (adj): 1-wanting very much to do or have something, especially something interesting or enjoyable:
E.g.: the children’s eager faces
E.g.: She sounded very eager to meet you.

Speaking exercise

My daughter loves pandas, and we saw three tiny panda babies over there. Also, we saw a big gorilla, at that time the gorilla was sleeping right next to the glass, so we could observe it from a short distance. One interesting thing happened,  my daughter suddenly  shouted “He’s about to wake up!”, but we saw nothing. Some 30 seconds later, the gorilla woke up. Children’s eyes can see more details in the world around them, but we, adults  can’t. Maybe we don’t see the world with our heart (full-hearted)