F2F Class Notes (Mike)

Speaking exercise

Olivia can do very hard/difficult sports, like running, skipping, jumping, dancing, swimming.

She has a brother named Ian.

Her brother like copy everyone.
Her brother likes to copy/copying everyone.

One day, she went to the beach. Her mother taught her how to build a sand castle.

She built a skyscraper by herself. 一个人做


scary (adj.) 很恐怖的,吓人的
This movie is scary!!!

take a nap 睡午觉

species (n) 种类

venom (n) 毒液

predator (n) 猎食者 – prey (n) 猎物

protect (v) 保护
protect oneself 保护某人

enemy (n) 敌人

attack (v)攻击

human (n) 人类

drop (v/n) 一滴,下降
The rain is dropping.
eyedrops 眼药水

lung (n) 肺

breathe (v) 呼吸

Russell’s Viper 山蝰

toxin (n) 毒素

hiss (v) (蛇发出的)嘶嘶声