F2F Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

When I was watching this movie, first, I felt deep loneliness from the main actor who is old and blind. Although he wants to express that he is a strong man and he don’t want to any people to be close to him. Actually it is just a way to protect his self-respect.

When I was watching this movie, the first thing I felt was deep loneliness from the old and blind protagonist. To protect his self-esteem, he presents himself as strong/tough and doesn’t want anyone to be close to him.

Because of his blindness, his cousin hired a young man named John to take care of him. During their time together, they influenced each other.  The old man was a great soldier before he is blind. He has a lot of social experience. He is calm and mature.The young boy is just a student, he is anxious and immature. They are like a reference for each other’s age.

When the young man meet the old man, they all have a big change from each other. The old man was a great soldier before he is blind. He is an experienced old man who is calm and mature. On the contrary,  John is just an anxious and immature student.

The old man bring brave and confidence to the young man to face his long future life. The young man let the old man to know that life is good and interesting,
You can live well with yourself and your family.
They warmed each other. Although there are always some bad things in life. Life is still can be better it depend on what you are thinking about it.

The old man brings bravery and confidence to John so that he can face the challenges in his future life.
John showed the old man some colorful sides/aspects of life. John also taught him that one can live peacefully with his/her family. Although life is not always smooth, you can still give warmth in this world. Your attitude on/towards life decides what kind of life you will live.


grocery (n) 日用杂货
do grocery shopping

protagonist 主角
antagonist 反派

(n) 礼物,当下,目前
(adj.) 目前的,当下的
(v) 呈现,展现

respect (v)
esteem (n)  – dignity 尊严
self-esteem 自尊

leave a impact on 留下影响
impact (n)

smooth (adj.) 顺利的,光滑的

aspect (n) 方面
This problem has 2 aspects, A and B.
There are two aspects to this problem,

bravery (n) 

brave (adj.)


I/you/we/they do eat/drink/sleep/go
he/she/it does eats /drinks/sleeps/goes


I/he/she/it was 
you/we/they were 

He likes her.
I eat an apple.

He liked her.
I ate an apple.

a big/huge/

an: 以A E I O U 发音为开头的词语
an apple/idiot/elephant/orange/owl/hour
an exciting/ experienced/inexperienced/

an exciting game

adj + n
A big tree.
A tall person.

adv 可以修饰
1) 形容词
He is tall.
he is quite tall.
he is super tall.
he is extremely tall.

2) 动词
He paints beautifully.
he writes well.
She walks fast.
I eat slowly.
She works hard.