F2F Class Notes (Mike)


commute (v) time spend on going to work/come back from work 

intention (n) 意图,目的
intension (n) 张力,紧张
The intension between the US and China peaked in 2018.

universal (adj.) popular/existing everywhere 普世的,普遍的
Being loyal to your partner is a ~ value.

progressive profiling (n) 

tie with = link with 

dump (v) to get rid of 
I can to dump the trash

conversion (n) 转化
The conversion rate is only 5%.

affiliate (v/n) 附属

resonate (v) 引起共鸣  – resonating (adj.) 
His story about his childhood really resonated with me.

This movie is moving
this movie is resonating

patch up (v) 补

seperation (n) a split

check marks (n) 检查标志

Speaking exercise

take care of
My parents are here to spend some time with me, they have not decided when to go back yet.

once every few months

once a week

once every 2 months