F2F Class Notes (Mike)


on business trip 

forum (n) 论坛

initiative (n) a proposal,
ie. The Road and Belt Initiative

come up with: to think of

subtle (adj.) 微妙的

obscure (adj.) hard to understand, 

present (v) to show

show up: to appear
show off 炫耀

ideal (adj.) 

aware (v) to realize

spot: a small location

asset (n) 资产

submit the work permission

the work that’s in progress

abstract (adj.) 抽象

initial (adj.) the first, the primary, the most important

pause (v) to stop for a while
ie. I am gonna pause for 2 minutes and answer some question

go over : sth in the past

go through: sth you have not done

mature (v) parts that are formed together to be a big thing

transition (n) 过渡

transaction (n) 交易

Speaking exercise

Thank you for your effort!

I lost you guys for a few seconds, could you repeat your question?

my internet connection is not so great

my internet is not stable

I will save my recordings and bring them to class.