F2F Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

I have worked in Suzhou in the past two years.

I worked in Suzhou for the past two years.

But I had to find a job in this May, because the company was closed due to the pandemic .

I had to find a new job this May because my previous company was closed due to the pandemic.

It was a bad news for me. As you know, the economy is shrinking instead of growing.

It was bad news for me. As we all know, the global economy is doing really bad.

Many companies are going to downsize. In that case, It is so difficult to find a job for everybody.

Many companies are laying people off. In that case, people find it hard to find a new job.

But anyway, It was fortunate that I found a work almost immediately.

But anyway, it was fortunate that I found a job almost immediately.

I will do well to concentrate more on my work, and devote a few hours a day to study more, or else being eliminated.

I will do my best to concentrate more on my work, and devote a few hours a day to study more, otherwise my colleagues will outperform me.


previous:  the last one

lay off: jie gu

otherwise: fou ze    i.e I have to leave now, otherwise I will be late.


In: Spring

On: Monday

At: 18:30


Write an article about a bad day at work in the past. Give two examples to explain why the day was bad. Make sure to use past tense in your article.