F2F Class Notes (Mike)


Why do people believe in conspiracy theory? (Internet-Education-Politics-Social circle)


bias = prejudiceĀ 

tolerant (adj)
eg. People are more ~ towards LGBTQ now.
tolerate (v)Ā  = put up with

family-oriented (adj)

conspiracy theory é˜“č°‹č®ŗ

poetic (adj) creatively,Ā 

symmetrical (adj) shapes, graphs, pictures.

show hospitality ēƒ­ęƒ…儽客

trait (n) ē‰¹č“Ø




Actually, I donā€™t know what does it mean. I suppose it is just likeā€grow upā€œ or ā€œbe matureā€in one way to say. People will say so when a guy is being to childish or weak, and when a woman is being too tough or rude maybe. I donā€™t see any problems with being too tough in life, maybe itā€™s not a good option in relationship which people expect a girl should take care her partner. But childish is a big problem in any kind of situation. So we can see in traditional values, people still think relationship is more important to a girl than a man.

Actually, I donā€™t know what it means. I suppose it is just likeā€grow upā€œ or ā€œbe matureā€in one way to say. People will say so when a guy is being too childish or weak, and when a woman is being too tough or rude maybe. I donā€™t see any problems with being too tough in life, maybe itā€™s not a good option in relationship which people expect a woman should take care her partner. But childish is a big problem in any kind of situation. So we can see in traditional values, people still think relationship is more important to a woman than to a man.

In my experiences, girls will be complained to being too quiet or too clumsy for serving the guests in a family or friendā€™s meeting. But guys are allowed to be bad at treating people, and be silent in whole meeting is a good merit to a man, it means youā€™re honest and faithful. Also, men canā€™t be too emotional, or people will say theyā€™re just like girls. I have no idea why canā€™t they be. So many weird rules.

In my experiences, if a woman shows too little hospitality when serving the guests or getting tother with friends, the family member complain and the woman is likely to be scolded. But guys are allowed to be bad at treating people, and be silent in a whole meeting is a good merit for a man, it means youā€™re down-to-earth and humble. Also, men are not expected to show their emotions, or/otherwise people will say theyā€™re just like girls. I have no idea why canā€™t they be. So many weird rules.

I canā€™t tell if those ideas are common or not, or theyā€™re just the prejudice of the elders of my family.
I am not sure how common these ideas are, maybe theyā€™re just the prejudice I have formed from the elders my family.