F2F Class Notes (Mike)


What does it mean to be a man/woman?


brutal (adj)

Confucianism (n) 儒家

Confucius 孔子

custody (n) 监护

money laundry (n) 洗钱

instinct (n)本能
eg. My instinct tells me he is French.

monotonous (adj) 单调的

heterosexual (adj) 异性恋的

single-minded (adj) 

sixth sense (adj) 第六感

digest (v) 消化
eg. My digestion is pretty bad.

Speaking exercise

When she in college, her friend is a …
When she was in college, her friend was

in daily time, she just look like nice people
She looks look a normal person

German guys are easy to …
German guys are easy to identify

on a spiritual level, 

They are holding in too much. they are not letting things go.

