F2F Class Notes May 9th (Ben)


a piece of work = something amazing or surprising, in a good or bad way

You certainly are a piece of work, aren’t you.

a herd (men, animals, cattle)

a flock (birds)

Birds of a feather flock together

a pack of wolves

Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond or the opposite?

  • If you are the smartest guy in the room, then you are in the wrong room.
  • learning opportunities
  • fall flat on your face and get back on your feet
  • learning curve
  • learn by doing
  • diversified environment
  • anonymity
  • try different roles
  • identify behavioural patterns
  • replicate patterns of success
  • access to guidance from experts
  • overall faster rhythm of life

laurels = 桂冠 the symbol of victory in Greek and Western cultures

laurels caesar 的图像结果 

When you are victorious once, you often tend to stop challenging yourself. This is called resting on your laurels.

resting on laurels  的图像结果

Some people go to Ivy League universities 常春藤 for the academic training, but also for reputation and connections.