F2F Class Notes (Mark) [S]


“There are many diverse virus in the world.”

corrected: “There are a diverse amount of viruses in the world.”


demographic – information about humans (maybe about their age, gender, nationality, income, marital status).

Speaking exercise

If we have a warehouse in shanghai the rent, of course, will low. Because the warehouse in the country side, not in the center of the city. The delivery time will be long. We use one hours to send our product to the customer. They don’t need to wait for long times. So…they (old people) used to go to the physical store for shopping. We open stores in the century of the city.

Corrected: If we have a warehouse in shanghai the rent, of course, will be low. Because the warehouse is close to in the country side, not in the center of the city. The delivery time will be longer. We use Currently, it takes one hours to send our product to the customer. They don’t need to wait for a long times. So…they (old people) are used to going to the physical store for shopping. We will open more stores in the century center of the city.