F2F Class Notes March 9th (Ben) [Xiao Qi]


ad hoc = specifically for a specific purpose

The boss created an ad hoc committee to speak about that problem.

Some cameras require you to create an ad hoc network to send the pictures they take to another device.

generic, conventional, traditional

intro = introduction = 前奏 the part of a movie or music at the beginning of a bigger composition

A good intro is the best way to get the corrector’s attention when you write an essay.

legit (informal)= 1. legitimately (acceptable) or 2. legal 合法的

The business is legit, it’s ok.

You can legit use that lens. Nobody will tell you it’s a bad choice.

frikkin’ = frigging = freaking = euphemism for ‘fucking’

It’s friggin’ cold today !