F2F Class Notes March 8th (Ben) [3]


official æ­£å¼çš„,法定的

  • Women’s Day isn’t an official day, but some companies do something for their female employees.
  • I guess this is your company (that we are talking about).
  • Yes it is.

dysfunctional = that doesn’t function well, that doesn’t work or run well

The computer used to be dysfunctional, but I had it fixed.

The movie “Little Miss Sunshine” is about a dysfunctional family who learns to work better together.

moving = that makes you moved

It is a very moving and touching movie. (it will make you moved and touched)

stand-up comedy å•å£ç›¸å£° = comedy with only one comedian on stage


pimple = pim – pul

pinball = pin – ball

I prefer to have a pinball than a pimple.


Many people say traditional media will die in a few years and new media will be the substitute (of the former).Quite a lot of workers in the media don’t verify the accuracy of the stories but just repeat the unsubstantiated rumors.

As digital technology keeps on developing, mobile devices have sprung in recent years. The equipment we use to get information becomes smaller and smaller, which provides us with more convenience and more opportunities to be connected with the information world.

Actually, a big part of audiences can get information anywhere and (at) any time from the digital media, something that traditional ones couldn’t offer so far.

But not all audiences get informed directly from the media. Quite a significant proportion of people get what they want to know from the opinion leaders’ views, according to the 2-step flow communication model.

However, we shouldn’t be blind to the underlying disadvantages of the modern media even though it has experienced great success so far. Both traditional (media) and modern media severely bang heads against each other. We should look at their development rationally.

Upgraded text

Many people say traditional media are bound to die in the next years and that new forms of communication will progressively take over. However, this could also be one more of these unsubstantiated rumors that many media professionals repeat without checking. 

As digital technologies develop, the use of mobile devices has sprung in recent years. The devices we use to stay informed have become increasingly smaller and convenient.

Which is more, today’s digital media allow us to get information anywhere and any time in just a click, something that traditional forms of communication have never been able to do.

This being said, today’s information flows don’t only go 2 ways. Quite a significant proportion of people shape their world views by following opinion leaders, as explained by the so-called “2-step flow communication model.”

However, we shouldn’t blindly welcome new media as the messiah, no matter how successful they have proved to be

Traditional and modern media are currently locking horns and it seems we have to choose between scarce and overwhelming amounts of information. I think we should take a bit of both.

to lock horns