F2F Class Notes March 6th (Ben)


back-to-back = 连续不断 consecutive, with no break

All my meetings were back-to-back today. I didn’t even have time to go to the bathroom.

predecessor = the person who worked there before you

Trump’s predecessor was Obama.

insinuate = accuse, suggest something unpleasant is true, make an unclear allegation

When you suggest that your management can be improved, it is often a way to insinuate that your boss is bad.

startle = surprise, astonish, shock, 吃惊,惊吓

rebuke = 指责 telling someone they have done something wrong

under scrutiny = being watched very closely (often because they are suspected)

don’t bother ! = 不用麻烦


Do you feel like… = Do you want to.. ?

No, I don’t feel like it.