F2F Class Notes March 24th (Ben)



  • go straight 一直走, turn left/right 左转,右转
  • go up / down  =上下
  • You are there. 你到了

I write with my right hand. 我用右手写。

go in/out = 进去,出去

Go in the metro.

Go out (of) the metro.

How can I go to the bathroom? 我怎么能去洗手间?

Go straight, turn left, go straight, turn right.

How can I go to the metro exit? 我怎么能去地铁出口

Go down, turn left, go down (again)

How can I go to Jing’an Temple? 我怎么能去静安寺

  1. Go down, go left, go straight, go down again, go straight, go up. You are there.
  2. Go down, go left, go straight, cross the road. You are there.

directions 的图像结果


8 = eight = AAAAAAAte

straight = strAAAAAAAte