F2F Class Notes March 13th (Ben)
the Caribbean
a dormant volcano
A dormant volcano hasn’t erupted for a very long time.
生肖 Chinese zodiac
My Chinese zodiac is pig.
170,000 = population
面积 area
陪伴accompany (somewhere) / stay with (nowhere)
I need to accompany my daughter to school.
I need to stay with her as long as she is a child.
I worked for 10 years –> I have worked for 10 years (not finished)
It couldn’t be disrupted? –> Couldn’t there be a break?
It’s a speed contest 速度比赛
There are some conferences, some lectures, some workshops, etc.
The group is composed of 3 parts : machine solution.
主动 My mother is taking care of her
被动 She is being taken care of by my mother.
I haven’t too much time after working –> I don’t have too much time after work.
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