F2F Class Notes (Luca)


Each city has diffrent culture and characteristic ,and reflecting all of the citys where I have been to,Sydney and Tokyo are both leaves me quite an impression.Compared with Tokyo,I think Sydney is more slowly and leisure,there not have too many people on the street,and supermarket are always close at early time, Seems like they are very seriously about their pensonal time. But in Tokyo,you’ll see people are always busy that they walk very fast and their subway station has a lot of people all the time… Besides this, Tokyo’s shop is open to late, we can go shopping from morning to night.


Each Every city in the world has  different  its own unique culture and characteristics. and Reflecting upon all of the cities where that I have been to,Sydney and Tokyo are both leaves me quite an impression are the most memorable Compared with Tokyo,I think Sydney is more slower and leisurely,there are not have too many people on the street,and the supermarket are always closes at early time, Seems like they are very serious about their personal time. But in Tokyo,you’ll see people are always busy that they walk very fast and their subway station has a lot of people all the time… Besides this, Tokyo’s shop is open to quite  late, we can go shopping from morning to night.


一份 a slice of (cake)

A bowl of noodles

A cut of beef

A portion of


Shanghai is the most busy city in China. If you when to another city in China the pace of life is slower. Changsha has more delicious and spicy food. I went to changsha last year. Its the hottest city in china in the suppertime.

I don’t have much opportunity to practice speaking english.

The portions are quite large in Australia.

I have been to 我去过

I went to 我去了


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