F2F Class Notes (Lily)[S/R]

Speaking exercise

topic: money and happiness

Money don’t buy family, friends, love, and health, but you haven’t money, you don’t buy anything which you like. So i must go to work to earn money. If i get money,i can travel and buy anything. You will feel happy. If i buy beautiful shoes, clothes and makeup, i will be happy. If your mother was sad, you don’t spend much time to be with her, but you give a lot of money to her, you hope to she can happy, but she didn’t happy. You don’t know what did she need to do.

Money cannot buy happiness, but if you don’t have money, you can’t buy anything you like. I must go to work to earn money. If i have money, i can travel and buy anything. You will feel happy. If i buy beautiful shoes, clothes and makeup, i will be happy. If your mother is sad because you don’t spend much time with her, but you give her a lot of money, you hope she can be happier, but she isn’t.  You don’t know what she wants. 




don’t= bu yao, mei you

ex: I don’t have money

can’t= bu neng, not able to

ex: I can’t go to the movie today.

makeup: zhuang

ex: today, i put on my makeup/ i did my makeup  make makeup NOOOOO

it takes me/ it took me = i spend ____ time

ex: it takes me 10 mins to put on my makeup. / It takes me 20 mins to come to class.

ex: it took me 30 mins to walk to here. It took me fifteen mins to eat lunch.


money — mon neeeeee

makeup—- may- cup

make up– make  up

fifteen- feeef TEEEN

fifty- FIF teeeeee