F2F Class Notes (Lily)[R]


st- sd

ex: study, student, start, star

sk- sg

skate, ski, skirt, skip

injuries= IN jur ries

head= h ed

hand= h an d

headache=hed ache

wrist= rist

calf= xiao tui, k elf

thigh- th I (letter i sound)


tired= no energy to do anything

ex:Today I feel very tired, I need to sleep early.


What’s the matter? I have a headache/ toothache/ earache/ stomachache/ backache.

Lately I have been feeling tired, and I have had really bad headaches and an upset stomach. I also have a (persistent) cough for the last two weeks.

Any injuries? (Is) anyone pregnant? Do you have neck pain or back pain?