F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


what is your biggest regret? / If you had a time machine, where would you go?


he= heeeee


1. strangers= 陌生人
ex: I don’t like to talk to strangers because I am shy.
ex: When I talk to strangers, I will be nervous.

2. bark= 狗叫
ex: the dog barks when he smells strangers.
ex: When you have a dog, you will hear the barks. 

3. how do you say (      ) in English 

4. loyal ( loi yo) (adj)= 忠诚
ex: We all want a loyal husband.
ex: The soldiers are loyal to the country.

5. passionate (adj) = 热情的
passion (noun)= 热情
ex: I have a lot of passion for my job.
ex: Someone who is passionate will have many friends.

6. habit (noun)= 习惯
ex: Do you have any good habits? I go to bed early and wake up early.
ex: you will be a better person with good habits.

7. take care of (      )= 照顾 (     )
ex: My mom took (good) care of me when I was young.
ex: The mother takes care of the little baby.

Speaking exercise

When I was a child, my family had a dog, we called him “little black”, because he is black. When strangers near the house, little black will bark. One day, the stranger give him some food, and continue some days, then little black followed the stranger and never come back.
He is loyal and passionate. Everyday I come back home and near the house, the will run to me and around me. Sometimes my family are not at home, he will be with me. He likes eat the bones, he doesn’t like eat another food.

now I don’t have pets because I don’t have confident to care them back. I like play with the pets.


When I was a child, my family had a dog, we called/named him “little black”, because he is black. When strangers came near the house, little black will bark. One day, a stranger gave him some food for some days, then little black followed the stranger and never came back.
He is loyal and passionate. Everyday when I come back home and get close to the house, he will run to me and be around me. Sometimes when my family is not at home, he will be with me. He likes to eat the bones, he doesn’t like to eat other food.

Now I don’t have pets because I don’t have the confident to take good care of them. I like to play with the pets.