F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


Make a story using the conditional
“If I were a billionaire/ girl, I would……..”


team= teeeem
person= per son
labour= la ber


1.initial= first letter of your name and last name 简称
ex: Please put your initial here.
ex: Please sign your initial on the document.
ex: Lily’s initial is LY.

2.documentary= 纪录片
ex: I like to watch documentaries.
ex: You can know/learn a lot of things from watching documentaries.

3. labour day = May 1 festival
ex: People can go to other cities on Labour Day. 

Speaking exercise

If I have enough time, I will go to Europe to watch football gam.eI am a fan of football coach. I like his style, his work attitude. His name is Moriel, he is Portuguese. This guy just lost his job 6 months ago, just because the score of his team in the Premier League. He wasn’t a football player, so he doesn’t have professional background. He was a translator for a coach in Spanish 25 years old. He is a very very smart, he can speak 6 or 7 languages. He learned how to manage a team, how to arrange the strategy of a match.


If I have enough time, I will go to Europe to watch football game. I am a fans of football coach. I like his style, his working attitude. His name is Moriel, he is Portuguese. This guy just lost his job 6 months ago, due to the poor/low score of his team in the Premier League. He wasn’t a football player, so he didn’t have professional background. He was a translator for a coach in Spain for 25 years. He is a very very smart man, he can speak 6 or 7 languages. He learned how to manage a team, how to arrange the strategy of a match.