F2F Class Notes (Lily) [S]


trip= chr ip

week= weeeeeee k


1. on top of my head= remember right away
ex: I don’t even know this word on top of my head.
ex: I couldn’t think of her name on top of my head, so I just said “heeyyyyy”.

2. canker sore= 口腔溃疡
ex: Salt water will help to ease the pain of canker sores and sore throats.

3. pass= 传染
ex: some people say that if you pass your flu to someone, you will recover.

4. bond= 基金
ex: you can buy high risk or low risk bonds.

5. round trip= 来回票
one-way ticket= 单程票
ex: I booked one way ticket to Shanghai because I don’t plan to go back to Canada.
ex: it costs 7000 rmb for round trip to Canada.

6. take XX off= 请XX假
ex: I will take 6 days off next week because my sister will be in Shanghai.

7. sick leave= 病假
ex: most companies have 5 days of sick leave.

Speaking exercise

I’m planning my vacation trip after Christmas. I’m struggle because I can only have two weeks and I want to go to the North European as well as Iceland, it’s not enough to cover all of this countries. Maybe I will only go to Norway, Finland and Iceland. The flight ticket is relatively not expensive only cost 6000 rmb for return trip. I can do lots of winter activities and chase the aurora/ polar lights. I think this is my honeymoon. We plan to have a twice a year for our regular travel, but I haven’t did the research about the trip and book the ticket. I have to do the action tomorrow.


I’m planning for my vacation trip in mid-Jan. I’m struggling because I can only take two weeks off and I want to go to Northern Europe as well as Iceland, it’s not enough to cover all of these countries. Maybe I will only go to Norway, Finland and Iceland. The flight ticket is relatively cheap, it costs only 6000 rmb for round trip. I can do lots of winter activities and chase the aurora/ polar lights. I think this is my honeymoon. We plan to have a trip twice a year as our regular activity, but I haven’t done the research about the trip , and I haven’t booked the ticket. I have to start planning for it tomorrow.