F2F Class Notes (Lily) [R]


May 1= the first of May OR May first

July 29= 29th of July OR July 29th


1. illegal (adj)= 违法的
ex: it’s illegal to kill wild animals.

2. prohibit (verb)= ban 禁止
ex: it’s prohibited to smoke in the restaurant in SH.

3. terrestrial (adj)= 陆地上的
ex: we should protect terrestrial animals like white tigers, koalas, etc.

4. captive-bred= 圈养
ex: lots of animals are captive-bred, because we ran out of wild ones.

5. pale/ fair/ light= 皮肤白 NO WHITE PLS
ex: omg she is so pale/ light.

6. dark/ tanned= 皮肤黑
ex: I got tanned/ dark after my trip to Hawaii.


Shenzhen, in southeastern China, has become the first city in the country to ban the consumption of cats and dogs, the government announced Thursday.

Under new rules which will come into effect May 1, the government said it will be illegal to eat animals raised as pets.

In February, following the coronavirus outbreak, China passed a law to ban the consumption of wild animals.

Now Shenzhen will prohibit the consumption of state-protected wild animals and other terrestrial wild animals taken from the wild, as well as captive-bred and farmed terrestrial wild species.