F2F Class Notes (Lily)


previous- PREE V yes

period 月经- PEE ree yed


1. dis-   : not, opposite of 不
ex: disappear, disconnect, disagree, disloyal
ex: My wifi got disconnected.

2. ex-  : former, previous 之前的 (人)
ex: ex-girlfriend, ex-boyfriend, ex-husband, ex-boss 
ex: She is my ex-girlfriend, we are not together anymore

3. step- : family relation by remarriage 后
ex: step-mom, step-dad,  step-brother, step-sister.
ex: My step-mother is very nice to me, she cooks for my everyday.

4. un-   : not, opposite of
ex: unnecessary, unequal, undesirable, unhappy, unattractive, unfair 
ex: undo, untie, unexpected, unlock
ex: You look unhappy today, what happened?
ex: Yim, can you unlock the door and let me in?

5. re- : do again
ex: redo, revisit, rerun, reorganize, repack, repeat 
ex: I have to redo my homework.

6. post- : after, behind
ex: post-election, post-graduation, post-war
ex: I will work post-graduation

7.de-   : get rid of
ex: de-emphasize,degrade 降低 贬低, decline减少 衰退
ex: the quality for this batch has degraded.
ex: Why do you like to degrade me?