F2F Class Notes (Lily)


1. Chemistry (noun)= 化学反应

Ex: there’s a good chemistry between us.
Ex: If you have a good chemistry among the colleagues, then you would get along with them very well.

2.across from XX= 在XX对面

Ex: you are sitting across from me.
Ex: Reel is across from the SE office.
Ex: go across XX
Ex: you can go to the room across (from here) , Judy is there. 

3. cross (verb)= 走过
Cross (noun)= 十字架✝️ 

Ex: you need to cross West Nan Jing road.
Ex: you need to cross two street.
Ex: cross the street 

4. jaywalk= 乱穿马路

Ex: it’s very common to see people jaywalk in Shanghai. 

5. Go through= 穿过 阅过

Ex: go through the hallway, it’s the first room on the right.
Ex: I will go through/go over your writing in a minute. 

6. hallway= 走廊
aisle= small hallway 过道
ex: I like aisle seats on the plane because it’s more convenient.
ex: I’m waiting in the hallway.

7. pedestrian = people walking on the street 行人
ex: pedestrian walk= where people could walk safely

8. patient (adj)= 耐心
patient (noun)= 病患
ex: you are a very patient person, you can wait for a long time.
ex: Please be patient in the hospital.
ex: He is a patient at XX hospital.

9. slept in/ sleep in= 睡过头
ex: Sorry I’m late, I slept in this morning.

10. tuition (two i tion)= the money you pay for school
ex: I had to pay my own tuition for university.