F2F Class Notes (Li)


July – seventh month

August – eighth month

August 24th/24th of August – dates

bitter – ku

ex. Coffee is bitter.

picky – when you don’t like many things

ex. I am picky with food.

order food – get food from the phone/computer/waiter

ex. My mum orders food on the phone.

ex. I’d like to order food.

french fries – fried potato strips

stationary – like pencils, pens, rubber, markers

bath bomb – ball that you put in the bath

ex. My mum bought me a bath bomb.

Speaking exercise

I went to Hong Kong and Singapore.

Yesterday my dad come back

Yesterday my dad came back 

I want to have holiday by one year.

I want to have a one year holiday.

I can go for travel for four to five times.

I would be able to travel four to five times.

I want to dance once a week.

I go with my mum dance friend. We make arts and eat pizzas, french fries and play with playground.

I went with my mum’s dance friend. We made a music box and ate pizzas, french fries and played at the playground.