F2F Class Notes (Li)


crocs – your “special” shoes

end of term tests  

grades – test scores

proud of something – to be very happy

ex. I’m proud of my test scores.

perform – to sing, dance, act in front of other people

ex. We had to perform in front of the school.

performance – noun

secret – something you can’t tell other people

ex. My friend told me a little secret.

ex. I can’t share my secret with you.


at + time 

ex. at 6:00 o’clock/6:15

to get a good score

How often do you do/eat something?

A: once a month/week/year

A: every day/week/month/meal

A: twice a month/week/year

A: three/four/five times a week/month/a year

Speaking exercise

I have 3As

I got 3As

this place

this part/section (of a test)

My teacher look it for it

My teacher looked it up/searched for it

It’s very tasty and we can eat it quickly.