F2F Class Notes (Li)


prepare – to get ready for sth

ex. I woke up early to prepare everything that I need for school.

ex. Mr Bean spent 4 hours preparing for the birthday party.

mean – not nice

ex. The girl said something that was very mean.

fireworks – small bits of colourful light in the sky

ex. At 9 o’clock, they sat on the sofa to watch the fireworks.

bubbles – when you use soap to clean your body, you will make lots of these

vacuum cleaner – a machine that ‘eats’ dirt

soap – what you use to clean your body in the shower

trip/v – to fall when you step on something

ex. Mr Bean trips on a bar of soap and he breaks the vacuum cleaner.


He is make 

He is/v tall/short/funny.

He makes/eats/cleans/prepares  

wash/clean your body


I like the second story.

Speaking exercise

Maybe the mum’s chicken is not good as grandpa’s.

Maybe her mum’s chicken is not as good as Grandpa’s.

Maybe her mum’s chicken is not better than Grandpa’s.

He teaches Ella and her mum/them how to make the chicken.

He is make a birthday.

He is preparing a birthday party.

He is so bad

He is mean!

Mr Bean cleans his house. His teddy is in the vacuum cleaner.  He go to the bathroom and he see a spider in his bathtub.