F2F Class Notes (Li)


set up the tent – put it up

collect – to bring things (sticks, toys) together

ex. We need to collect sticks to make a bonfire.

start a fire – to make fire

hot dog buns – bread

roast chicken, lamb, vegetables, marshmallows – cook over fire

Speaking exercise

It’s for putting food on the stick.

They need to put two hot dogs on their sticks. They held the hot dogs over the fire and turned their sticks. After the hot dogs are cooked, they put them on buns and added ketchup and mustard.

They collected sticks to make a bonfire.

They all cooked hot dogs.

Their favourite part of camping is eating marshmallows.


if it ends with:

-ded, ted


you have to say the letters



you only need to say the last d