F2F Class Notes (Li)


shooting game – you use guns

racing game – with cars/bikes/motorbike

afraid – scared

ex. I’m not afraid of snakes.

chase – to run after a person/animal

ex. The lion chased the little boy.

shoo – when you want an animal or person to leave

ex. Luca’s grandpa told him that he can shoo the chickens away.

point out – to show by pointing your fingers

Alex’s grandpa pointed out what the buildings nearby are.

Speaking exercise

Ride a bicycle

I went to ride a bicycle 

I write

I did my homework 

I am go home and play games.

I will go home and play games.

I am very good

I am very good at this game.

The people are want to kill me.

The people want to kill me.

He has green hair, black eyes, and big ears. Wear a blue coat and a white shirt and a green shoes and blue jeans.

He has green hair, black eyes, and big ears. He wears a blue coat, a white shirt,  green shoes and blue jeans.

He don’t can fly.

He can’t fly. He can’t swim. But, he can drive.

Alex is afraid of looking out the windows because it’s so high.

Alex is afraid of heights so he doesn’t want to look out the windows.