F2F Class Notes (Li)


categorise – put into groups

ex. We need to categorise the data into 5 groups.


The name of the child is/The child’s name is – this is preferred for speaking

The rules of the project/The project’s rules 

The number of sales/The sales numbers 

Speaking exercise

I think my whole conversation I can’t express myself very clear

I think I can’t/I am unable to express myself clearly for the whole conversation 

The topic called “Cross Brand”

The topic is called “Cross Brand”/The name of the project is called “Cross Brand”/The project is named/called “Cross Brand”

From the corporate level or the CEO level.

From the corporate or the CEO level.

We launch the new project of Cross Brand. We have the rule of the project

We launched (the new project) Cross Brand. We set the rules… 

The weight of the sales is the highest for this

This category has the largest sales for the brand 

They cannot to change consumer to each other

They cannot exchange their consumers 

If the category of the two brands..

If there’s no overlapping category between two brands 

All the consumer, all the data

All the consumers and all the data/all the consumers and the data 

This is the rule of the Cross Brand

This is Cross Brand’s rule 


think – dink (put your tongue in between your teeth)

categorisation – care-tuh-guh-rai-zay-shun