F2F Class Notes (Li)


What did you want to do when you were little?


the movie/film was amazing/exiting/fantastic/spectacular 

soundtrack (of a film) – dian ying pei yue

subtitles – words at the bottom of a video

replace – take the place of sbd/sth

ex. The actor’s brother replaced him when he died.

thursday – fourth day of the week

intersection – the place where two or more roads cross

Speaking exercise

He prepared a plan about satellite. It is very dangerous for the people of the world. The team must stop the plan.

He created/made a plan to use the satellite. It is very dangerous for the people of the world/for everyone worldwide. The team must stop the plan.

Before I haven’t watched the 8, I heard was died because this movie.

Before I haven’t watched the 8th film, I heard the main actor died during the filming of this movie.

I remember I forgot my important file so I have to go back my office.

I remembered that I forgot an important file, so I had to/must go back to my office.


file – fai-yal