F2F Class Notes (Li)


Find out what types of popular dishes are there in different countries?

Today we focused on:

Talking about sickness/Find an apartment


stomachache/bellyache – pain in the stomach

headache/toothache – head/teeth

my throat hurts –  喉咙疼

fever – when your body temperature is above 37.5 degrees

cold/flu – 感冒/流感

break arm/leg/shoulder

strength – to have power

ex. I don’t have enough strength to lift this box up.

I have a runny nose – when you always need to blow your nose

prescription – 处方

how often do I take this medicine? – how many times

how long will it take for me to recover/get better? –  how much time

sick note – a note written by the doctor to show that you are sick

2 bedroom/3 bedroom or 2-bed/3-bed

shared housing/private housing – with others/alone

how fast is the Wi-Fi connection? –  quick/slow

Are the bills included? – electricity/water/gas/Wi-Fi bill

Speaking exercise

I have a pain on… 

My arm/leg/knee hurts 

I have stomachache/My stomach hurts 

I have a cold/flu/fever

I feel not good

I don’t feel good/very well

I don’t have any strength

My budget is not too much/limited 

My budget is about/approximately 3000