F2F Class Notes (Kyle) (S)

Needs more review

Stress/Emphasis – the part of a word that is louder, longer, or higher in pitch
e.g. The stress in “independent” is on the syllable “pen”: in – de – pen – dent

Efficient vs. Effective
— “Efficient” means to get a lot of stuff done quickly or cheaply
— “Effective” means to accomplish the goal, to do something really well, to achieve something
e.g. If I teach three students at a time, it would be efficient, but probably not very effective.
e.g. If I teach you the whole history of the English language, that would be effective in raising your level, but not very efficient, because it would take much too long.

Speaking exercise

When have you been stressed in your life ?

….. when I can’t do my work well. —->I have been stressed when I can’t do my work well ! —-> I have been stressed when I couldn’t do my work well. 

Why couldn’t you finish your work well?

When I can’t I couldn’t finish my homework from my teacher because I was too sleepy and I couldn’t focus. 

Where did you go on your winter holiday and what did you do?

______I went back ___my home.  (Needs more context, 你给更多的上下文)

I went (back) home in to Hubei and I saw my family. We spent the New Year Festival and we have new year festival together and we ate some special/traditional food together. and Then I have had a trip with my friends to Guangzhou, we ate some local foods  in Guangzhou including balls of rice. And after that we went to the Chao Long park and we really had fun here. We went to a zoo 动物园 and there were are many different animals. —->I saw all kinds of birds with different colors. And finally, I also went to Sichuan province to work with a radio group, the director needed a video to graduate school university. We shot a video in the high mountains about three thousand kilometers the video is was about local people’s lives. The director’s family is was in the Sichuan abba (small city).

Next Class Focus

Finished Editing the Dictation.


specific details – 具体细节

Then-  然后

ex. In the morning I have a painting class and then I ate lunch in at noon, and then my painting classes continued then I came to English class.

chang fen – *it has a skin made of rice and some eggs and meat inside*