F2F Class Notes (JJ)


we can agree to disagree: 我们同意和接受双方意见的不同
recognizable: 可以识别出来的
ferry: 渡轮
my former colleague:
two weeks ago: 两周前
variety: 不同的种类
patio: 露天露台
elementary school/primary school: 小学
crafty: 手很巧的
lantern: 灯笼
to assemble: 装家具

Speaking exercise

if my friends went to Guangzhou —> All my friends that went to Guangzhou …
my many friends suggest that I go to the zoo —> Many of my friends suggest that I go to the zoo
On Wednesday, I go to shoot —> On Wednesday/yesterday, I went to shoot the products/I went to the product shoot.
If we have dinner at 太古汇,we also to eat here —>  If we have dinner at 太古汇,we always go there to eat.