F2F Class Notes (JJ)

I agreed the article argument.
I think I can’t cheat my brain and body.
We need the energy to carry our daily work, I saw many young girls want to lose their weight and just eat one meal a day or just eat an apple. it’s unhealthy.
You can choicely eat low carb food, black coffee and without sugar, sometimes flash juice had a lot of sugar. It’s a bad ideal.
If we don’t have enough energy maybe, we will be gating angry and look like lazy.
But low carb food is very boring, for my experience, I will choicely eat comfort foot once a week. Something like Shake Shack burger, nachos and fried chicken. It’s made me batter.
I had a Greek salad in Bund’s restaurant with my wife to cerebrate our annul wedding day.
It let me memories of who has at Athens and Santorini.
The flavor and smell are good, and we had a good wine the combination is perfect.
It’s an amazing. I gust the chef is come from Greek.

People who had a party for in honor of someone’s birthday or promote, it will eat a lot of food or alcohol everybody will getting fun, don’t worry it’s a life.

Revised Homework:

I agree with the argument the article is presenting. I can’t cheat my brain and body/I don’t think I can cheat my brain and body. I see that many girls want to lose weight and only eat one meal a day or only eat apples. That is unhealthy. You can choose to eat low carb foods, black coffee and no sugar. Sometimes fresh juice has a lot of sugar. It’s a bad idea. For most people, when they don’t have enough energy, they will get angry and look lazy. But low carb foods are very boring, in my opinion. I will choose to eat comfort food once a week, something like a Shake Shack burger, nachos and fried chicken. It has made me feel better. I had a Greek salad at a restaurant at the Bund with my wife to celebrate our annual wedding day/annual wedding anniversary. It reminded me/it brought back memories of the time/the time we spent in/we went to Athens and Santorini. The flavor and smell were great and we had a good wine, the combination was great. The whole experience was amazing/It was an amazing experience. I’m guessing the chef might be Greek/is from Greece. 


agree with: 赞成某个东西

Ex: I agree with my colleague’s restaurant recommendation.

choose to do something: 选择做某个事情

Ex: Samuel chooses to study English at Smart English.

someone is from + country (名词)

Ex: JJ is from Canada.

someone is  + nationality (形容词)

Ex: JJ is Canadian.


idea: 主意,想法

ideal: 最理想的

for most people: 对大部分人来讲。。。

Ex: For most people, living in Shanghai is very expensive and tiring.

from my experience: 以我的经历

in my opinion/personally: 在我看来/我觉得

(something) reminds me of _____ : (某个东西/人/事情)让我想起。。。某个回忆

Ex: 鹿港小镇 reminds me of the first date I had with my wife.


Write about things you are excited about for Chinese New Year.