F2F Class Notes (JJ)


crash —> kr-sh

crush —> kr-sh

cap —> kp  (cat)

cape —> k-A-p

Cate/Kate —> k-A-t (人名字)


crush: 暗恋对象

Ex: She has a crush on him.

Who’s your crush?

crack: 裂缝 (名词)


Ex:I cracked the code.

rock: 石头stone

foie gras: 鹅肝

crepe: 法式鸡蛋饼(有咸有甜的)

portrait: 肖像画

paint: 画油画

Ex: I like to paint portraits.

I want to paint my room in dark green.

sketch: 画素描

Ex: I like to sketch landscape.

landscape: 风景 (读法想-cake) ”A“

cityscape: 城景

Ex: From here, we can see the cityscape of central Shanghai.

patterns: 花纹

Ex: Olivia’s vest has very nice patterns.

tattoo: 纹身