F2F Class Notes (JJ)


depressing: to describe an object ex: The movie was very depressing.

depressed: to describe a person ex: I felt depressed after watching the movie.

heavy: 沉重(not just in terms of weight) Ex: The movie was quite heavy (dark).

a piece of art: 一件艺术品

costume: 装扮

dress up as: 装扮成什么

Ex: This year, JJ dressed up as Joker.

parade: 游行(好完的)

strike: 抗议游行

to look decent: 看上去像模像样

Ex: Most people at 158 still wanted to look decent on Halloween.

foliage: 变颜色的叶子

contemporary: 现代的

sky scrapers: 摩天大厦

heating: 暖气


empire: 帝国

local: 当地

closed space: 封闭的空间

take turns: 轮流

rush hours: 高峰期间

bike lanes: 骑车道

in the West: 在西方社会

Speaking exercise

I saw her went to 158.

Revised: I saw she went to 158.