F2F Class Notes (JJ)


major: 专科(学习中)

specialisation: 专业 (工作中)

surroundings: 周边

main character: 主角

protagonist: 主角

antagonist: 反派的主角

pursue: 追

light-hearted: 轻松的

realistic: 现实的

dark humor: 黑色幽默

sample size: 试用装

Speaking exercise

they didn’t have enough materials for the continuous training —> they didn’t have enough materials to continue the training

my mood is very good for a longtime —> I had a good mood for a longtime, my mood stayed well for a long time/I was feeling good for a longtime

she is good sales —> she is a good salesperson

the discount she gives is the lowest —> she gives the most discount


Movie: Green book

Watch the movie and write a review on it.