F2F Class Notes (JJ)


to believe in fate: 相信缘分

pious: 虔诚的

Ex: Yuki’s cousin is very pious and travels to a temple in Nanjing to pray for good fate once every few months.

it’s such a bummer!: 好扫兴!

to be/feel bummed: 感觉扫兴,upset

Ex:Yuki’s cousin must feel so bummed that she couldn’t go pick wax berries last weekend because of the rain.

gullible: 很容易相信别人的

tattooist: 纹身师

to disclose: 透露

to stutter: 结巴

Ex:He stopped stuttering after he changed his name.

fortune telling: 算命

fortune teller: 算命的大师

shallow: 肤浅的

to be demanding: 要求很高

Ex: They are very demanding.

living proof: 活生生的例子

Ex: “You have to believe because this is a living proof.”


pious: pie-us