F2F Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

time is very short —> the deadlines are tight

It got dumped on us: 这个东西被丢给我们

mid of year —> mid-year

end year

that’s not my duty

on August —> in August

he came inside our bedroom

he can’t reach the doorknob: 他够不到门把


to take on a project

extra work: 多余的工作

the best promotions/deals: 最棒的折扣

to run out of time: 快没时间了

there isn’t a lot of time left

we don’t have much time left

duty: 指责

scattered: 零散的

facial expressions: 表情

overly active: 过分的活跃


for month, year: always use “in”

ex: In January, in March, in 2021, etc

for day, weekend, festival: On Saturday, on November 11th, on the weekend, on New Year’s Eve.


whole: 后l (same as “hole”)

we: wiiiiiiiiii (伊)(think of “she”, “he”)


Review the words and expressions learned today and write a sentence using each of them.