F2F Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

You should consider about this question first —> You shoulder consider this first/You should think about this first

I want to make friends with you —> I want to be friends with you.


cut the line: 插队

dominant: 强势的

scorpio: 天蝎

pisces: 双鱼

road rage: the anger a lot of people feel when driving

to resolve: 解决

to surrender: 投降

Ex: My husband doesn’t always know how to surrender.

Hong-Kong style diners/restaurants: 港式茶餐厅

their cravings: 他们馋的东西

I have to accommodate to their preferences: 我必须配合他们的喜好

in the middle of night: 深夜中

late night snack: 宵夜

crawfish: 小龙虾


rational: r啊-深-nal