F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Use the words from today in some writing!


inflammation – fa yan

infection – gan ran

irresponsible – bu fu ze

how do you say?

just a moment / just a sec 

inhale < > exhale

bum-puff – to smoke but not inhale

hand + nail – people
paw + claw – animal

apartment complex – xiao qu

, = a slight pause / a list
. = end of sentence

Writing exercise

Our compound has a lot of cats, that are living in there. some people will feed the cats. newborn kitten do not eat food, They suck their mother’s milk. when kitten come out you can play with them, but you need to be careful them, they will use their paws hurt you. Now days every park compounds and roadside there’ll be more and more wild cats because they haven’t been sterilized, So I think it’s difficult to control.

Our compound has a lot of cats, that are living there. some people will feed the cats but newborn kitten do not eat food. They suck / drink their mother’s milk. when kittens come out you can play with them, but you need to be careful with them. They will use their claws to hurt you. Nowadays there are more and more wild cats in apartment complexes / communities and by the roadside because they haven’t been sterilized / desexed / neutered. So I think it’s difficult to control it.