F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Summarize article!

Writing exercise

Now is a network of times, more and more people can not do without the network. However,  The Internet has brought us a lot of convenience, but there are also many hidden dangers. For example, violent, yellow video and unhealthy messages. Recently, a special plan to combat terror has been announced, that is, when users  find dangerous news or unhealthy video, they can identify or flag it online.Then, these unhealthy web will be deleted after checked. This will help us to  build a healthy network environment better.

Now is the time of the internet, and there are/ in that more and more people can not do without the net. The Internet has brought us a lot of convenience, but there are also many hidden dangers, for example, violent, yellow videos and unhealthy messages. Recently, a special plan to combat terror has been announced, that is, when users  find dangerous news or unhealthy videos, they can identify or flag it online. Then, these unhealthy websites will be deleted after being checked. This will help us to build a healthy online environment better.


terror = teh rer

net = internet = the web – communication to a series of devices all over the world

online (adj)
eg. I am online

network = communication between 2 devices

websites = webpages 



listening 3.5
speaking 2.75
reading 3.25
writing 2.75

add: do upgrading story / writing exercises with Thalia
Change: interior designer

I can do sth / I am able to do sth / I have the ability to do sth / I am capable