F2F Class Notes (Jesse) [S]


go the restaurantgo to the restaurant

the snacks and cakes made of the owners wifemade by


made of – the main ingredient
made from – the different parts
made by – the process / maker (person)

improvement – n

Speaking exercise

when I was 20 years old I studied how to put make up on and I studied for 2 months. Then my teacher asked me “if you want to study more you can change to another teacher” she said “he will give you more improvement, you can study more how to put make up on the actors”. But I didn’t continue because the teacher he didn’t live in fujian so I didn’t have enough time to go to another city.  ***not corrected

if you want get the good study result, you need to keep studying the way that you did before so you will get better and better – if you want to get better, you should keep studying and don’t stop.


snack – pronounce the “a” not “ay”