F2F Class Notes (Howard / Jesse)

Can you introduce yourself to me?

What are your hobbies and interests?

What is your favourite subject at school?

What’s your least favourite subject at school?

Why do you want to do this summer camp?

What do you want to be when you grow up? (creative / make something)

When you arrive at the summer camp, what is the first thing you want to do?


Speaking exercise

i wake up at 6:45. I eat breakfast at 6:50 and i go to school at 7:30. i take chinese test at half past 8 and I go to home at half past 10. i eat lunch at half past 11. i watch a lego batman movie. it was VIP. and i go here at half past 12. i have class at 1 o’clock

i woke up at 6:45 and then I ate breakfast at 6:50 and i went to school at 7:30. i took a chinese test at half past 8 and I went home at half past 10 and then i ate lunch at half past 11. i watched a lego batman movie which had a lot of bad people and was VIP. and i came here at half past 12 and i had class at 1 o’clock