F2F Class Notes (Howard / Jesse)


sauce – jiang
sa la jiang = salad dressing

what did you do there?
I ate lots of food and swam
how did you go there?
I took a plane

fun / funny
funny makes you laugh
fun makes you enjoy

kingdom – wang guo
eg. they live in a kingdom and drive their car to get there

eg. when your health goes down to 0 you will die and you can try again

upgrade – to make your guy stronger

xp = experience points 

attack – makes you kill the monster easily

defense – stops them from killing you

heal – gives you health



weak < > strong 

Speaking exercise

i go to school from morning to afternoon. i do a game a people catch me and i die. and dead people can catch any people. teacher is here and we can’t run, we walk, we at playground we run. teacher will see we.

correct next class