F2F Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the connection words from today as much as you can.


Sometimes I got good information like a restaurant and tourist attraction from the documentaries. Longxia, Chinsee hot crawfish dish, is my most favorite shanghai food.

I like many drinks from China with green tea, oolong tea and puer tea being my favourite 3.

due to / because of
due to the fact that / because / as
but / however …. although / even though
plus / also / and / on top of that

annoy him / piss him off / get under his skin

once every 3 months 

does he ever do anything that shows that he cares about anyone but himself?

he doesn’t treat you well? no
he doesn’t treat you badly? no, he does treat us badly

I like tea
Do you like tea? Yes
You do? Yes
You don’t? No, I do.

I don’t like coffee
Do you like coffee? No
You do? No, I don’t
You don’t? No